About Me

Hello there everyone
My name is Mashael. I'm 20 years old weirdo who lives in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
I'm a Translation student *Sophomore*. One of my dreams is to move to LA, California and just live there for the rest of my life ..... it will happen one day right? FINGERS CROSSED
Interested in so many things, specially in other cultures and languages
I'm open-minded, and I REALLY don't like racist people .. seriously they piss me off
I think people with different accents are very attractive
Thai and Chinese food are my guilty-pleasures 
I love all types of movies and music ♥ and my all time favorite TV show is Friends
Oh forgot to mention that I'm a Tea addict ....  I admit it
I collect mugs, makeup, socks and some other stuff. DON'T JUDGE ME

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